Antonella Fuchineco


Giving good, and surprising, and bad news and possible reactions

Giving good news: I’m really pleased to tell you… I’ve got a bit of good news to tell you… I’ve got some news for you… I’ve got some brilliant news for you… I’ve got some great news for you… I’ve got some wonderful news for you… I’ve got some splendid news for you… You know …

Giving good, and surprising, and bad news and possible reactions Leer más »

Useful expressions to show agreement or disagrement…

«I agree with (…) and I also think that…» «I am in complete agreement with…» «I’m in favour of..» «I would also like to add…» «Similarly, I believe that…» «I suppose you’re right» «I suppose you have a point there.» «I that’s a good point, but I believe we have to remember that…» «Another equally …

Useful expressions to show agreement or disagrement… Leer más »